some MOVIES & DRAMAS which have an influence on ME!

some MOVIES & DRAMAS which have an influence on ME!

Sunday, June 12, 2011


there is my secret box in my room. whenever i often open the box, i used to look back on my older days. almost things in the box tend to remimd me of the past: memorial things like some letter, tape, pencle and other things. one of these valuable things is vedio tape. it is the movie tape: jack. Jack is the fist movie which make me know Robin Williams. i fist saw the movie by accident when i was 10 years old. in the movie, Robin williams played as 'jack' who suffered from progeria, which makes children got older fast other than average kids. although jack is 10 years old, he looks like a man who is 40 years old. He was borned just after three months. because of his illness, his older looking, his parents did not let him go to school. but, his tutor persuaded them to send Jack to school. at first, averige kids in his class did not like him. then, they bullied Jack. however, because of Jack's wit and humor, almost the kids around him came to like him. there are some scenes which make me laugh because of his older appearance:
because he is a giant, and he is taller than other kids, he is good at basketball. so, his friends would like to be a member of his team. for the first time, his strange looking help him hang up with friends.
because of his friend, Loui's fault, Loui's mother should come to school and meet principal. so, Loui asked Jack to pretend to be a principal. in the scene, Loui's mother mistook Jack for a principal. Also, after then, only she got to like Jack because she did not know that he is as old as his son. when i watch the scene, of course, i had a pity for her but it was very funny.
they wereonly ten years old including Jack.the boys reached the age when they became curious about sex.  but, they are too young to achieve adult magazines. however, Jack did not look like his real age-10. he looked like the grown-ups. so, he go to store and buy the adult magazines without clerk's doubt.
and this  is one of my impressing film scene. oneday, teacher asked her students to write about their future: what do you want to be when you grow up?
Jack answered like this: Alive
Until now, this scene had really touched me and made me felt sad and cry. he know that he is fast older than his friends and he would not have the rest of his life than others. i felt very sorry for him.

until now,  i have been very impressed with the last scene of the movie, his speech scene at the commencement ceremony.

Thank you, Aristotle.
I don't have very much time these days, so I'll make it quick, like my life.
You know, as we come to the end of this phase of our life,
we find ourselves trying to remember the good times...
and trying to forget the bad times.
And we find ourselves thinking about the future...
and star to worry thinking;
"What am I gonna do? Where am I gonna be in ten years?"
but I say to you, "Hey, look at me."
Please, don't worry so much.
Cause in the end, none of us have very long on this earth.
Life is fleeting. And if you're ever distressed,
cast your eyes to the summer sky.
When the stars are strung acress the velvety night,
and a shooting star streaks through the blackness...
turning night into day...
make a wish, and think of me.
And make your life spectacular. I know I did.
I made it, Mom. I'm a grown-up.
Thank you.

as soon as i saw the scene, one script of Dead Poets Society came up in my mind: carpe diem. it means enjoying the present. because Jack had no enough time than others, he tried to enjoy his present time. but, we tend not to think of our life as valuable like him. while he tried to live hard and actively and enjoy his whole life for a short time (than us), we tend to send our long time (than Jack) complaining and worring about just our little wrong situations. from now on, i had better enjoy my present time and live actively for the rest of my life. then keep in mind that i should thank for my life.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

what dreams may come

my favorite comedian and family-film star is Robin williams. this movie was released in 1998. at that time, i was  only 11 years old. then, i saw that movie until i was grown up.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Peter pan is back!
 in the movie, Hook, Robin Williams played as Peter pan. this movie is interesting in terms of dealing with the grown-up, Peter pan. he looked like a current father who lived in the city. he was busy with earning money for his family's living. he didn't look like Peter pan any more. and then, he forgot being Peter pan in the past. he forgot a way of flying. if the traditional tale version of Peter pan is for kids, this movie, Hook may be for adults. it helps our parents or he grown-ups look back on their past. then it remindes them of pure mind and thinking which they lost while they live. also, it is for us, young people. through this movie, children will come to have some pity for their parents and understand them.  

the new story is that;

because Peter pan as a dad was so busy, he had no time to play with his kids.

one day, hook from the Neverland kidnapped Peter's two children.Peter again returned to the Neverland to save his children. so, he tried to return to be Peter pan....

 unfortunately, his son didn't seem to want his father due to hook's trick. while his son was with hook, he had the time to play with hook, not father.

finally, Peter pan was apolozised to his kids and saved them.

the Neverland where Peter pan used to live is just not the ideal and fantazy world. in my opinion, this world symbolizes childhood of adults including my parents. after i watched the movie, i ask my parents what they wanted to be when they were very younger. my mother answered me that she used to have a dream. she know it. but, she didn't remember what she want to be. maybe, due to me, her dream  may not come ture. for the reason, i felt sorry to her. then, i hugged her.
if you don't watch the movie, Hook becaus it seems to be only for children, you had better see the movie with your parents. i guess it would be valuable time both you and your parents.

Mrs. Doubtfire

My father looks like a grandmom!
It is very funny. Also, this movie deeply touch my mind. in the movie, Mrs. Doubtfire, Robin Williams played as a nanny for his children. he divourced from his wife. and, he was seperated from his kids. the movie story is simple than others. he pretended to be a nanny to see his children. finally, his famil turned to live togother. Yeah, this story looks too simple and general. but, what the great actor Robin Williams is! there are some funny film scenes;

as soon as i saw the nanny who was true dad, i just lanugh at him. then, i was surprised to be likely to see the woman who looked like him. his ex-wife introduce new nanny for her children as she didn't know about his true identity.

he was very uncomfortable because his wife went out with another man. so, he chased after her and had dinner together. and, nanny made a diversion the man. he talked to him about his wife's defect. then, the man seemed to be embarassed.

while he pretended to be a nanny and cooked for his kids, he made a mistake made me very laugh.

after a while, his first daugher took a hint. she said to dad, "Are you really my father? Dad?"
he nodded. she cried and hugged him and said, "I missed dad." this scene made me cry, too. before that scene, i was very funny. this movie made ma both cry and smile.

then, finally all members of his family came to live together. and happyending.
if your dad don't listen to you and you complain about your dad, please lets watch this movie and then, say your dad thank you.  

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


When I was younger/When I was a kid/When I was little, whenever holiday especially chidren's day came, the movie Juminji used to be abroaded. This movie make me have some fantasy about  unnormal world.

Sunday, June 5, 2011


Robin Willians played as Professor Philip Brainard, an absent-minded professor in Flubber. he tried to create a new substance that is a new energy source. he has missed his wedding ceremony twice. and on the afternoon of his third wedding, prof. Brainard created a substance which allows objects to fly through the air. it looked like rubber, so he called it flubber. this film is based on the 1961 Disney classic "The Absent-Minded Professor".
the movie title Flubber is compound words; fly + rubber.

fortunately, prof. Brainard created flubber.

it is flubber! it looks very cute. at that time, there appeared toy like flubber at the store around me. absolutly, it didn't make me fly in the sky. after i watched the movie, i really wanted to obtain flubber. as every kids wanted, i wanted to fly when i was young, but, i guess that situation like flubber will happen in the near future.  

fianal, happyending!

when i watched Flubber, it was just funny and it's scale shocked me. oh! thesedays, there are 3D movies. i would like to watch the movie again into the 3D movie. it may be unexpected and exciting. anyway,now i get the message of the movie that i didn't know when i saw it for the first time. in my opinion, it is about friendship between human and everything. although flubber coul not say a word, he used to help prof, brainard whenever he was in danger. and, he tried to protect flubber from being captured by bad guids who only thought their benefit and used flubber to be richer. if you would like to laugh really, i would recommend the movie, flubber!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Patch Adams(1998)

if somebody ask me that it is natural docors shoud be respected by patients and they need to become authoritative when they deal with or treat their patients, i would answer "Absolutely yes" before i watch the movie, Pauch Adams. But, after i saw the movie, my answer came to be changed; of course, because docters try to save the life of patients, we may respect them. however, doctors should not force their patients just to obey doctors' order and respect them. they don't need to be authoritative. instead, doctors need to be friends with their patients. this is message of the movie. Dr. Patch Adams said it.

there are two reasons i watch the movie;
first, it's the movie which stared  Robin Williams as Patch Adams.
second, the movie is based on a true story.
movie story ia like this; Hunter Adams very obsessed about suiside every day because of his unhappy home environment. in 1968, he decided to put in a mental hospital by himself. there, he met some patients who suffered from mental diseases. at the first time, he was busy with worrying about himself-pity for himself. but after, he started to see others. And, he looked at their action, attitude, and saying carefully. Then, he came to understand them.Also, he tried to help them. at that thime, surprising feeling happened to him. for the moment, he did't think of his fault, worry about himself, and have any pity for hinself. fianally, he has not obsessed about suiside any more since then. at that time the experience at the mental hospital changed his mind and gave dream-purpose of life-to him. then he decided to be a doctor to help patients who were depressed due to their diesase.  after few year, he went to medical university. although he was a freshman and had no right to meet patients dirently as a doctor under the rules of the school that only more then junior students can meet patients directly as a doctor,  he met patients and became a friend with them.
he was faced with 2 kinds of ordeal;

first, he lost his lover. one of his patients killed her. for this reason, he felt deeply sad and blame himself for trusting human being. he left the school and free-hospital where he and his friends founded it to help patients for free against American medial system. on the top of the cliff, he tried commiting suiside, but he failed it because butterfly which symbolized his lover came to him. when i saw it, one proverb came up in mind; every cloud  has a silver lining. i realized that even  when we may face dangerous situations, we also see some little hope. but keep in mind that the little hope looks so small at an ordeal that we may miss it whithour carefully seeing.

second, he came close to being expelled from the school. he used to be against the dean of the school. but, due to his patients who he helpt and his classmates, he came to returne and graduate the school. in his speech at the council, he stated that doctors should be friend with their patients; we need to call our patients their name, not name of a disease. also, he mentioned that the mission of doctors is not just to remove patients' disease and make patients live longer. doctors should help patients laugh and happy and make them forget their illness for a while. if doctors try to fight disease, they may lose when they do not remove the disease. however, if doctors try to deal with thier patients, they always win without result.
this movie very touch me. of course it is about one doctor's story. but the message which the movie gives is attitude for dealing with people in my opinion. like Hunter Patch Adams, i would like to help other people and understand them.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Good Will Hunting(1997)

 I was comforted by his movie. Through Good Will Hunting, in which he played as a psychology professor who guides his student who made a mistake and then was in danger, I was also comforted.

It's not your's not your fault... it's not your fault...

In that movie, Williams said to the student very softly and friendly, “It is not your fault. It is not your fault. It is not your fault.” I was very impressed with this. It is as if his voice turns to blanket, and this blanket melts my cold heart, too. In fact, I had blamed myself for everything that went wrong around me since I was very young. Then, I used to hate myself. However, like the student called Will Hunting, I also got to feel comforted after I saw the movie. Then, I have tried not to blame myself for something wrong.

in fact, i really envy Will Hunting in terms of meeting his mento in his whole life. of course, Robin Williams had an influence on me. but, i was influenced by him indirectly. i hope that i would meet my mento who can guide my appropriate way in the rest of my life. Then, if i meet my mento and find my real way, after then i would like to be a mento of someone who need my help.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Dead Poets Society(1989)

Williams’s movie made me reflect on myself. Dead Poets Society, in which he played as a good teacher, taught me ‘carpe diem’ which means enjoying the present.

carpe diem...carpe diem... carpe diem...
 In that movie scene, he gathered his students in the school corridor, where there are some pictures of graduates on the wall. Then, he encouraged them to listen to their alumni’ voice. He started to inch his way toward the front of his students. And, he whispered in their ears and said: Carpe Diem.
Before I watched the movie, I used to complain about my present and miss the past. It was not a good habit to improve me. Through this movie, I came to change my mind and enjoy my present.

Like this, his teaching looked a little bit weired. oneday, in his class about understanding about poets, he encourage his students to tear the book. then he said to the students that  poets should not be studied by us, but it should be just felt by us. maybe he didn't want them to fit themselves as just a part of the society. if someone like him teach high school students in Korea, he may be expelled from the school. so, i am a little bit sad because until now, our students have been pressured and be forced to only formal study.  

Captin my captin!

Last scene make me cry. after one of his students commited a suiside, he was expelled from the school. but, at that time, his students standed up on the desk and said to him,"Captin, my captin!" their action looks like the resist movement to the formal school. although superfically, he was expelled from the school, his students who were influenced on by him would remember his teaching.

Bicentennial Man(1997)

when i was very young, whenever vacations came, a movie, Bicentennial man was on the air. in the movie, Robin Williams played as a robot called Andrew which wanted to be a human. he lived for 200 years. that's why the movie title is "bicentennial man".
the story is like that; in the not so distant future, androids are owned as household servamts.Andrew, is an extraordinary robot who exhibits emotional and creative characteristics that were never expected of him. Over a period of 200 years, he evolves far beyond his initial design.
the movie story is about a robot, Andrew who tried  to become a human and loved human. so, this movie tells us  process or adventure of one robot to be a human. although the gnre of the movie is Science-Fiction, there are love, comedy, family code in that movie.

for the first time, Andrew was a robot desighed as household.

but, he is special. he can think, feel something than other robots. without master's order, he can make someting and plan his way. then, his master dealt with him as his son. Andrew is a member of his family.
while he live with master's family together, he wonder his identity.
he came to be into master's second daughter. then, he was very sad because he was a robot.

after master died, Andrew was deeply sad and decided to leave home. he looked for some robot like him. but after he meet the inventor of him, Andrew ask him to make him human. due to him, Andrew looked like a human.

after he returned to home, his lover was too old. but he fell in love with her daughter. they are married after they came over difficulties. 

i was very inpressed with the lastscene. Andrew and his wife decided to die at the same time. in fact, for me, almost the movie scenes looked romantic movie. other sides, is it possible to harmony between human and robot in the near future? i don't know correct answer.
anyway, i can say,  it is certain that the movie gives me the message that i should live and act as a human and try to live everymoment actively.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Robin Williams's Movies!

do you know the movie, Dead Poets Society? yes, that's him, Robin Williams! many movie directors tend to star him. why? he is a good actor. Robin Williams's movies are my favorite ones.  in the clip, i watched some movies like jack, hook, mrs. doubtfire, and other thngs. almost his movies make me cry and laugh. lets be into his movies like me.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

When I was very younger/When I was a kid/When I was little, I uesd to imagine my future.
At that time, I always looked forward to the next day, not both present and past.
Looking back, I did not be satisfied with that time.
However, now I come to realize that all days which I recieved are valuable for me.
Like carousel, I am always here, but  the environment around me is just changed...  
Hello, I am SSun. Have a nice day!