some MOVIES & DRAMAS which have an influence on ME!

some MOVIES & DRAMAS which have an influence on ME!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Peter pan is back!
 in the movie, Hook, Robin Williams played as Peter pan. this movie is interesting in terms of dealing with the grown-up, Peter pan. he looked like a current father who lived in the city. he was busy with earning money for his family's living. he didn't look like Peter pan any more. and then, he forgot being Peter pan in the past. he forgot a way of flying. if the traditional tale version of Peter pan is for kids, this movie, Hook may be for adults. it helps our parents or he grown-ups look back on their past. then it remindes them of pure mind and thinking which they lost while they live. also, it is for us, young people. through this movie, children will come to have some pity for their parents and understand them.  

the new story is that;

because Peter pan as a dad was so busy, he had no time to play with his kids.

one day, hook from the Neverland kidnapped Peter's two children.Peter again returned to the Neverland to save his children. so, he tried to return to be Peter pan....

 unfortunately, his son didn't seem to want his father due to hook's trick. while his son was with hook, he had the time to play with hook, not father.

finally, Peter pan was apolozised to his kids and saved them.

the Neverland where Peter pan used to live is just not the ideal and fantazy world. in my opinion, this world symbolizes childhood of adults including my parents. after i watched the movie, i ask my parents what they wanted to be when they were very younger. my mother answered me that she used to have a dream. she know it. but, she didn't remember what she want to be. maybe, due to me, her dream  may not come ture. for the reason, i felt sorry to her. then, i hugged her.
if you don't watch the movie, Hook becaus it seems to be only for children, you had better see the movie with your parents. i guess it would be valuable time both you and your parents.

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