some MOVIES & DRAMAS which have an influence on ME!

some MOVIES & DRAMAS which have an influence on ME!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Patch Adams(1998)

if somebody ask me that it is natural docors shoud be respected by patients and they need to become authoritative when they deal with or treat their patients, i would answer "Absolutely yes" before i watch the movie, Pauch Adams. But, after i saw the movie, my answer came to be changed; of course, because docters try to save the life of patients, we may respect them. however, doctors should not force their patients just to obey doctors' order and respect them. they don't need to be authoritative. instead, doctors need to be friends with their patients. this is message of the movie. Dr. Patch Adams said it.

there are two reasons i watch the movie;
first, it's the movie which stared  Robin Williams as Patch Adams.
second, the movie is based on a true story.
movie story ia like this; Hunter Adams very obsessed about suiside every day because of his unhappy home environment. in 1968, he decided to put in a mental hospital by himself. there, he met some patients who suffered from mental diseases. at the first time, he was busy with worrying about himself-pity for himself. but after, he started to see others. And, he looked at their action, attitude, and saying carefully. Then, he came to understand them.Also, he tried to help them. at that thime, surprising feeling happened to him. for the moment, he did't think of his fault, worry about himself, and have any pity for hinself. fianally, he has not obsessed about suiside any more since then. at that time the experience at the mental hospital changed his mind and gave dream-purpose of life-to him. then he decided to be a doctor to help patients who were depressed due to their diesase.  after few year, he went to medical university. although he was a freshman and had no right to meet patients dirently as a doctor under the rules of the school that only more then junior students can meet patients directly as a doctor,  he met patients and became a friend with them.
he was faced with 2 kinds of ordeal;

first, he lost his lover. one of his patients killed her. for this reason, he felt deeply sad and blame himself for trusting human being. he left the school and free-hospital where he and his friends founded it to help patients for free against American medial system. on the top of the cliff, he tried commiting suiside, but he failed it because butterfly which symbolized his lover came to him. when i saw it, one proverb came up in mind; every cloud  has a silver lining. i realized that even  when we may face dangerous situations, we also see some little hope. but keep in mind that the little hope looks so small at an ordeal that we may miss it whithour carefully seeing.

second, he came close to being expelled from the school. he used to be against the dean of the school. but, due to his patients who he helpt and his classmates, he came to returne and graduate the school. in his speech at the council, he stated that doctors should be friend with their patients; we need to call our patients their name, not name of a disease. also, he mentioned that the mission of doctors is not just to remove patients' disease and make patients live longer. doctors should help patients laugh and happy and make them forget their illness for a while. if doctors try to fight disease, they may lose when they do not remove the disease. however, if doctors try to deal with thier patients, they always win without result.
this movie very touch me. of course it is about one doctor's story. but the message which the movie gives is attitude for dealing with people in my opinion. like Hunter Patch Adams, i would like to help other people and understand them.

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