some MOVIES & DRAMAS which have an influence on ME!

some MOVIES & DRAMAS which have an influence on ME!

Sunday, June 12, 2011


there is my secret box in my room. whenever i often open the box, i used to look back on my older days. almost things in the box tend to remimd me of the past: memorial things like some letter, tape, pencle and other things. one of these valuable things is vedio tape. it is the movie tape: jack. Jack is the fist movie which make me know Robin Williams. i fist saw the movie by accident when i was 10 years old. in the movie, Robin williams played as 'jack' who suffered from progeria, which makes children got older fast other than average kids. although jack is 10 years old, he looks like a man who is 40 years old. He was borned just after three months. because of his illness, his older looking, his parents did not let him go to school. but, his tutor persuaded them to send Jack to school. at first, averige kids in his class did not like him. then, they bullied Jack. however, because of Jack's wit and humor, almost the kids around him came to like him. there are some scenes which make me laugh because of his older appearance:
because he is a giant, and he is taller than other kids, he is good at basketball. so, his friends would like to be a member of his team. for the first time, his strange looking help him hang up with friends.
because of his friend, Loui's fault, Loui's mother should come to school and meet principal. so, Loui asked Jack to pretend to be a principal. in the scene, Loui's mother mistook Jack for a principal. Also, after then, only she got to like Jack because she did not know that he is as old as his son. when i watch the scene, of course, i had a pity for her but it was very funny.
they wereonly ten years old including Jack.the boys reached the age when they became curious about sex.  but, they are too young to achieve adult magazines. however, Jack did not look like his real age-10. he looked like the grown-ups. so, he go to store and buy the adult magazines without clerk's doubt.
and this  is one of my impressing film scene. oneday, teacher asked her students to write about their future: what do you want to be when you grow up?
Jack answered like this: Alive
Until now, this scene had really touched me and made me felt sad and cry. he know that he is fast older than his friends and he would not have the rest of his life than others. i felt very sorry for him.

until now,  i have been very impressed with the last scene of the movie, his speech scene at the commencement ceremony.

Thank you, Aristotle.
I don't have very much time these days, so I'll make it quick, like my life.
You know, as we come to the end of this phase of our life,
we find ourselves trying to remember the good times...
and trying to forget the bad times.
And we find ourselves thinking about the future...
and star to worry thinking;
"What am I gonna do? Where am I gonna be in ten years?"
but I say to you, "Hey, look at me."
Please, don't worry so much.
Cause in the end, none of us have very long on this earth.
Life is fleeting. And if you're ever distressed,
cast your eyes to the summer sky.
When the stars are strung acress the velvety night,
and a shooting star streaks through the blackness...
turning night into day...
make a wish, and think of me.
And make your life spectacular. I know I did.
I made it, Mom. I'm a grown-up.
Thank you.

as soon as i saw the scene, one script of Dead Poets Society came up in my mind: carpe diem. it means enjoying the present. because Jack had no enough time than others, he tried to enjoy his present time. but, we tend not to think of our life as valuable like him. while he tried to live hard and actively and enjoy his whole life for a short time (than us), we tend to send our long time (than Jack) complaining and worring about just our little wrong situations. from now on, i had better enjoy my present time and live actively for the rest of my life. then keep in mind that i should thank for my life.

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