some MOVIES & DRAMAS which have an influence on ME!

some MOVIES & DRAMAS which have an influence on ME!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Good Will Hunting(1997)

 I was comforted by his movie. Through Good Will Hunting, in which he played as a psychology professor who guides his student who made a mistake and then was in danger, I was also comforted.

It's not your's not your fault... it's not your fault...

In that movie, Williams said to the student very softly and friendly, “It is not your fault. It is not your fault. It is not your fault.” I was very impressed with this. It is as if his voice turns to blanket, and this blanket melts my cold heart, too. In fact, I had blamed myself for everything that went wrong around me since I was very young. Then, I used to hate myself. However, like the student called Will Hunting, I also got to feel comforted after I saw the movie. Then, I have tried not to blame myself for something wrong.

in fact, i really envy Will Hunting in terms of meeting his mento in his whole life. of course, Robin Williams had an influence on me. but, i was influenced by him indirectly. i hope that i would meet my mento who can guide my appropriate way in the rest of my life. Then, if i meet my mento and find my real way, after then i would like to be a mento of someone who need my help.

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